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The Undertakings Operating in the Automotive Sector under the Review of the TCA Once Again

Competition Law | Articles

The Undertakings Operating in the Automotive Sector under the Review of the TCA Once Again

In the previous days, the Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) resolved under its decision dated 26.03.2020 and numbered 20-16/234-M to open an investigation against the undertaking operating in the automotive sector in order to re-evaluate its decision dated 24.06.2009 and numbered 09-30/637-150 since it was annulled by the 13th Chamber of Council of States.

The Turkish Competition Authority Initiates its First Pandemic Related Investigation Against 29 Undertakings

Competition Law | Articles

The Turkish Competition Authority Initiates its First Pandemic Related Investigation Against 29 Undertakings

The Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) on March 23, 2020 gave its heads up to undertakings that it was “closely following the price increases”, which it referred to as “opportunistic” during the pandemic. As such, the TCA warned in its announcement that it will impose the highest fines allowed by the Turkish Competition Law on all the undertakings, if they engage in anticompetitive practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Liberalization & Restriction of International Trade Amid COVID-19 – Update of Turkey’s Measures on Imports and Exports

International Trade | Articles

Liberalization & Restriction of International Trade Amid COVID-19 – Update of Turkey’s Measures on Imports and Exports

The COVID-19 pandemic is continuing to affect the global economy as well as our everyday lives. Indeed, the World Trade Organization estimates that global trade is likely to fall steeply in every region of the world and across all sectors of the economy. In an optimistic scenario, the volumes of global trade in goods could tumble by 13% in 2020. If the COVID-19 pandemic is not kept in check soon and if governments fail to coordinate policy responses, the decline could amount to 32%, or more.

How Will Turkey Deal with Unfair Practices During COVID-19 Outbreak: Establishment of the Unfair Price Assessment Board

Regulation | Articles

How Will Turkey Deal with Unfair Practices During COVID-19 Outbreak: Establishment of the Unfair Price Assessment Board

While the world is dealing with novel coronavirus pandemic, many countries resorted to protectionist measures in order to preserve the quality of social life and stability of the economy from the effects caused by the outbreak. A package of measures to that end was introduced by the Turkish lawmakers via Act No. 7244 on Reducing the Effects of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak on Economic and Social Life and Amendments to Certain Acts (“Act No. 7244“), which was promulgated in the Official Gazette dated 17 April 2020 and No. 31102.

TCA is Acting Heavy Handedly During Covid-19 Outbreak

Competition Law | Articles

TCA is Acting Heavy Handedly During Covid-19 Outbreak

In April 2020, The Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) initiated two separate preliminary inquiries into protective face mask industry and retail market players. These inquiries are a part of the TCA’s heavy-handed approach towards industries directly affecting consumers during Covid-19 outbreak. Our insights with respect to these inquiries and the TCA’s current way of functioning will be briefly shared with you.

The Role of Standard of Proof in Competition Law: Decision

Competition Law | Articles

The Role of Standard of Proof in Competition Law: Decision

The standard of proof plays a significant role during the process of the investigations performed within the framework of the competition law. However, no explicit provision regarding the standard of proof which shall be taken as basis in the preliminary and full-fledged investigations carried out within the scope of the Law of Turkey No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition ("Competition Law") is stipulated.

Capacity to Sue of Consumers Whose Interests are Affected was Held under the Microscope of the Administrative Courts in Turkey

Competition Law | Articles

Capacity to Sue of Consumers Whose Interests are Affected was Held under the Microscope of the Administrative Courts in Turkey

The issue of the “appropriate claimant” or the capacity to sue always comes into question at the stage of the judicial review of the decisions of the competition authorities. It is not as easy as it may seem from the first glance, and the case law of the Administrative courts in Turkey is a proof thereof.

Bilgi Üniversitesi Kariyer Günleri-2020

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Bilgi Üniversitesi Kariyer Günleri-2020

Bilgi Üniversitesi Kariyer Günleri kapsamında Bilgi Ünv. mezunu Mustafa Ayna, Hukuk Fakültesi öğrencileri ile sohbet toplantısı gerçekleştirdi. Öğrencilere ACTECON'daki çalışma alanlarına ve ofise dair bilgi verdi. Ayrıca iş yaşamında genç hukukçulardan beklentilerimizi aktardı.

Yapay Zeka ve Etik- Hukuk ile İlişkisi

Regulation | News

Yapay Zeka ve Etik- Hukuk ile İlişkisi

Arkhe Yapay Zeka Günü faaliyetleri kapsamında Celal Duruhan Aydınlı Yapay Zeka ve Etik konulu sunumunu 22 Şubat 2020 tarihinde gerçekleştirdi.

TCA’s Preliminary Inquiry into Google’s Shopping Unit Bidding Mechanism

Competition Law | Articles

TCA’s Preliminary Inquiry into Google’s Shopping Unit Bidding Mechanism

On 07.11.2019, the Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) concluded its preliminary inquiry regarding Google’s bidding system and decided not to initiate a full-fledged investigation. Said preliminary inquiry had been initiated upon a 28.02.2019 dated complaint made with confidentiality request.

TCA’s Google Search (Shopping) Case: Fine was Imposed

Competition Law | News

TCA’s Google Search (Shopping) Case: Fine was Imposed

Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) announced on 14.02.2020 its final decision to fine Google Reklamcılık ve Pazarlama Ltd. Şti., Google International LLC, Google LLC, Google Ireland Limited and Alphabet Inc (will be referred to as “Google” collectively, hereinafter).

TCA is Looking into Banking Sector, Once Again

Competition Law | Articles

TCA is Looking into Banking Sector, Once Again

On 17 January 2020, the Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) carried out dawn raids at the premises of more than 20 banks. The unannounced visits were reportedly conducted as part of a preliminary inquiry into deposit, credit, foreign exchange, bond, bill, equity and brokerage services of banks operating in Turkey.


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