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Google Removes Display of Its Shopping Unit in Turkey

Competition Law | Articles

Google Removes Display of Its Shopping Unit in Turkey

On 29th of July, Google announced that starting from 10th of August, it will be removing shopping ads (or “the Shopping Unit” as referred by the TCA as well as by the EU Commission) from its search pages in Turkey. According to the tech giant, the decision was taken because of the uncertainties surrounding the fate of the remedy package that it has proposed to comply with the TCA’s Shopping Decision .

Evaluating Algorithms' Role Within the Scope of Competition Law

Competition Law | News

Evaluating Algorithms' Role Within the Scope of Competition Law

Our associate Celal Duruhan Aydınlı, together with our trainee Damla Çelen made a presentation on 21.08.2020, titled “Evaluating Algorithms' Role Within the Scope of Competition Law” in Legaltech/Fintech Group seminar series organized with the joint efforts of ELSA Ankara, ELSA Pisa and ELSA Heidelberg.

ELSA Turkey -Artificial Intelligence Law 101

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ELSA Turkey -Artificial Intelligence Law 101

Our associate Celal Duruhan Aydınlı, made a presentation titled "Artificial Intelligence Law 101" in ELSA Turkey Law Academy event organized by ELSA Turkey.

Güncel Gelişmeler Işığında Kişisel Verilerin Korunması

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Güncel Gelişmeler Işığında Kişisel Verilerin Korunması

İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi tarafından düzenlenen Adli Bilişim Laboratuvarı Hap Eğitim Programı kapsamında,Güncel Gelişmeler Işığında Kişisel Verilerin Korunması konulu eğitimi, Yönetici ortağımız Bahadır BALKI'nın katılımı ve danışmanlarımızdan Celal Duruhan Aydınlı'nın sunumu ile 17 Ağustos 2020'de gerçekleştirdik. Eğitimin içeriğine aşağıdaki youtube linkinden erişebilirsiniz.


Competition Law | News


Authors can apply to ELSA Turkey Law Review, later to submit their articles for ELSA Turkey Law Journal on Competition Law. Academic counseling will be provided to the selected authors by ACTECON during the writing process. * The journal's publication language is English. Students and law graduates studying in the department of law can apply.

Amendments to the Turkish Competition Law

Competition Law | Articles

Amendments to the Turkish Competition Law

The Turkish Parliament has approved the long-awaited proposal for an amendment to the Competition Law (“Amendment”) on 16 June 2020 and it came into force after being published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey on 24 June 2020.

Kriz Döneminde Rekabet Kuralları ve Rekabet Otoritelerinin Refleksleri

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Kriz Döneminde Rekabet Kuralları ve Rekabet Otoritelerinin Refleksleri

Yönetici ortağımız Bahadır Balkı, 08 Haziran 2020 tarihinde saat 17.00'da gerçekleşecek, GYİAD tarafından düzenlenen, "Kriz Döneminde Rekabet Kuralları ve Rekabet Otoritelerinin Refleksleri" başlıklı online toplantıda konuşmacı olarak yer alacaktır.

Recent Regulation on the Unfair Price Assessment Board: How the Board Will Function?

Regulation | Articles

Recent Regulation on the Unfair Price Assessment Board: How the Board Will Function?

Last month, a law package to tackle the social and economic challenges that coronavirus pandemic cause was introduced via the Act No. 7244 on Reducing the Effects of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak on Economic and Social Life and Amendments to Certain Acts (“Act No. 7244“)

The Regional Administrative Court Found the Turkish Competition Authority’s Decision concerning Mey İçki Unlawful

Competition Law | Articles

The Regional Administrative Court Found the Turkish Competition Authority’s Decision concerning Mey İçki Unlawful

The Ankara Regional Administrative Court’s 8th Administrative Chamber (“Regional Court”) recently annulled the decision of the Ankara 2nd Administrative Court (“Administrative Court”), in which a lawsuit against the Turkish Competition Authority’s (“TCA”) Mey İçki-2 decision was dismissed .

The Turkish Competition Authority Investigates the Allegations on Leading Energy Drink Company (Red Bull)

Competition Law | Articles

The Turkish Competition Authority Investigates the Allegations on Leading Energy Drink Company (Red Bull)

In 21 April 2020, the Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) published its reasoned decision on resale price maintenance and de facto exclusivity conducts focusing on the practices carried by Red Bull Gıda Dağıtım ve Pazarlama Tic. Ltd. Şti. (“Red Bull”)

Turkish Competition Authority Reiterates: Labor Market is Subject to Competition Law Enforcement

Competition Law | Articles

Turkish Competition Authority Reiterates: Labor Market is Subject to Competition Law Enforcement

Anti-competitive practices in the labor markets have generally not been on the radar of the competition watchdogs. Given the increase in the number of cases dealing with the labor markets within the last five years, this appears to change. The Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) contributed to that shift by publishing on May 6, 2020 another decision related with the labor markets

Turkish Competition Watchdog Initiates its First Pandemic-Related Investigation

Competition Law | Articles

Turkish Competition Watchdog Initiates its First Pandemic-Related Investigation

The Turkish Competition Authority (“TCA”) on March 23, 2020 gave its heads up to undertakings that it was “closely following the price increases”, which it referred to as “opportunistic” during the pandemic. As such, the TCA warned in its announcement that it will impose the highest fines allowed by the Turkish Competition Law on all the undertakings, if they engage in anticompetitive practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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