Erdem AKTEKİN, LL.M., is an economist with a vast knowledge of competition law and policy. Mr. AKTEKİN has worked for the Turkish Competition Authority for 12 years and acquired the “Senior Competition Expert” title.
Throughout his career, Mr. AKTEKİN dealt with a great amount of competition law cases spanning over different topics, sectors, and companies. He actively took part in investigations conducted in sectors such as sale of FCMGs, steel, cement, glass, financial banking and mobile operating systems.
Mr. AKTEKİN also identifies and carries out appropriate economic analysis for competition cases.
Mr. AKTEKİN speaks English fluently.
Queen Mary University of London, LL.M. in Law and Economics, 2015
Ankara University, LLB, 2021
Middle East Technical University, BS in Economics, 2006
- The Turkish Competition Authority’s M&A Overview Report 2024: Key Trends and Insights, Lexology, January 2025, Türkiye, with Ayberk Kurt
- Foreign Investment Regulation, Lexology, January 2025, Türkiye, Bahadır Balkı and Seda Eliri
- Turkish Competition Authority Sheds Lights on Labor Markets, Kluwer, December 14, 2024, with Ayberk Kurt, Seda Eliri and Ece Ulusoy
- Preventing Data Portability as Abuse of Dominance: The TCA's Approach in Sahibinden Decision, Kluwer Competition Law Blog, March 17, 2024, with Helin Yüksel and Seda Eliri.
- The Turkish Competition Authority Reaffirmed Its View on Attorney-Client Privilege Limited to Right of Defence: A Stark Contrast with the EU, Kluwer Competition Law Blog, October 17, 2023, with Helin Yüksel and Mehmet Mikail Demir.
- In the light of Microsoft Cases, A Suggested Approach to Tying Cases in Software Markets (In Turkish)
- Relevant Product Market Definition in Two-sided Markets Under EU Competition Law, Dissertation
- "Google Removes Display of Its Shopping Unit in Turkey After the Remedy Phase of the Turkish Competition Authority’s (TCA) Google Shopping Decision Gets Stuck", Concurrences, February 2020, with Bahadır Balkı
- "Towards a More Effective Enforcement? - Turkish Competition Authority Steps into the Realm of De Minimis", Lexology, Lexology, November 2020, with Nabi Can Acar and Doğa Küçükay
- "Commitment Mechanism: The TCA’s First Rejection Decision", Lexology, December 2020, with Nabi Can Acar and Doğa Küçükay
- "A Look at TCA's Approach to Abuse of Dominance through the Lens of AG Rantos's Opinion", Lexology, February 2022
- "The First Settlement Decision in Turkey at a Glance: Philips et al. Case", Lexology, May 2022
- "The Court’s Fact Check: The First-Degree Court Quashes in Part and Affirms in Part the Comprehensive Interim Measures Decision Brought by the Turkish Competition Authority Against Trendyol", Concurrences, May 2022
- "A New Age for Digital Markets in Turkey? The Draft Amendment to the Law No. 4054 on the Protection of Competition", Kluwer Competition Law Blog, October 2022, with Nabi Can Acar, Helin Yüksel, Mehmet Mikail Demir and Seda Eliri
- "Türk Telekom Decision: Recent Approach to Refusal to Deal", Concurrences, November 2022, with Helin Yüksel and Mehmet Mikail Demir
- “The Turkish Competition Authority Sets the Boundaries of its “Technology Undertaking” Definition”, Concurrences, November 2022, with Nabi Can Acar and Helin Yüksel
- “The Information You Have Requested Cannot Be Reached at the Moment: The Regional Administrative Court Upheld the Board’s Decision Imposing Fines on Five International Banks for Not Providing the Requested Information”, Concurrences, November 2022, with Helin Yüksel and Mehmet Mikail Demir
- "Two Edges of Europe Cross Lines: The CMA Fines BMW AG for Failing to Comply with an Information Request", Kluwer Competition Law Blog, January 15, 2023 with Helin Yüksel and Mehmet Mikail Demir
- "The Turkish Competition Authority Takes a Wide Interpretation of the “Technology Undertaking” Exception Applicable to the Turkey’s Merger Control Thresholds", Concurrences, February 1, 2023, with Bahadır Balkı, Nabi Can Acar and Helin Yüksel
- “The Turkish Competition Authority Concluded Its Preliminary Investigation Regarding Car Rental Services Market”, Concurrences, February 15, 2023 with Helin Yüksel and Seda Eliri
- "The Constitutional Court of Turkey Examined the Constitutionality of the Amendments Made in 2020 to Turkish Competition Law", Concurrences, April 4, 2023, with Nabi Can Acar and Mehmet Mikail Demir
- “Unveiling the Distinction: Turkish Competition Authority Clarified “Mergers” and “Acquisitions” under Turkish Merger Control Regime”, Concurrences, May 19, 2023, with Helin Yüksel and Mehmet Mikail Demir
- “Turkish Competition Authority's Vigilance on Digital Markets: Examining Recent Initiatives and Their Implications”, Kluwer Competition Law Blog, May 30, 2023, with Nabi Can Acar, Seda Eliri and Mehmet Mikail Demir
- The Turkish Competition Authority Decided That There Is No Procedural Benefit in Initiating Commintment Negotiations, Lexology, March 2025, with Seda Eliri